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Virtual Theme Park / Social Space - visual development concepts

Early visual development for a massive online virtual social spaces, exploring a variety of potential themes within a 'classical' aesthetic. Following these initial design proposals we were able to quickly block-out and test the environments within Unreal to discover their pros and cons from a player POV.
3D environment blockouts created by the talented Matt BIrkett-Smith:

Process breakdown.

Classical radial-themed park.

Classical radial-themed park.

Process breakdown.

Process breakdown.

Mediterranean-themed park.

Mediterranean-themed park.

Volcanic-themed park.

Volcanic-themed park.

Process breakdown.

Very early initial concept exploration for a stylised, radial themed park.

Very early initial concept exploration for a stylised, radial themed park.

Process breakdown.

Process breakdown.

Traditional-style park, inspired by Disneyland's layout.

Traditional-style park, inspired by Disneyland's layout.

Process breakdown.

Process breakdown.

Balloon-themed park.

Balloon-themed park.

Process breakdown.

Process breakdown.

Mega Theme Park - a conglomeration of the various themed concepts, brought together into a massive single space.

Mega Theme Park - a conglomeration of the various themed concepts, brought together into a massive single space.

Process breakdown.

Process breakdown.

3D Blockout: Radial-theme.

3D Blockout: Classical radial-theme.

3D Blockout: Mediterranean-theme.

3D Blockout: Balloon-theme.

3D Blockout: Volcanic-theme.

3D Blockout: Disneyland inspired.